Murex Manado Gardens
Welcome to Our Tropical Garden Paradise…..
Murex Manado Resort is set in beautiful lush, tropical gardens on the sea front in Kalasey – a small village outside of Manado city. The Murex Manado gardens are the perfect place to explore for nature loving divers when they are not in the water. Some of the trees and shrubs are hundreds of years old, fruit or flower bearing and add both shade and color to our beautiful resort. Here are some of the stunning flowers, trees and fruits that you can find in just a 15 minute walk around the grounds!
Frangipani (Plumeria rubra) in Murex Manado Gardens
There are many species of Frangipani trees but the Plumeria rubra is one of the most common. The flowers always have 5 petals which are joined tightly at the base giving a spiral effect in the center of the flower. The flowers that bloom here at the Murex Manado gardens are yellow with white edges but the same species can also bloom in many colors from pure white to hot pink. The flower starts as a long tube and then the petals slowly unwrap and open up into the frangipani flower which is associated with Indonesia. The rubra is the most fragrant of all frangipani species and at Murex we have a number of trees located at the entry to the resort.

The Plumeria rubra is the most fragrant species of Frangipani
Orchid Vanda (Orchidaceae vanda)
This beautiful blue orchid can be found growing in the centre of the Murex Manado gardens just across the drive way from the main office. Blue orchids (actually a bluish-purple) are considered quite rare and the vanda genus of orchid is often cited as having the most beautiful flowers of all orchids! This orchid blooms every few months but the flowers last for only 2 – 3 weeks. If it is in flower when you are here you will definitely be able to spot it!

The vanda orchid flowere every few months
Heliconia (Heliconia caribaea)
This beautiful shrub is known locally as the banana plant and it is actually originally native to Central and South American rainforests (hence the name “caribaea”). They are a sturdy plant though and today they thrive in tropical climates world-wide. The plant produces stunning red to redish purple blooms that resemble interlocking lobster claws which are known as “bracts”. This species is often grown or farmed specifically for its decorative and brilliantly colourful appearance. At the Murex Manado gardens these plants are found all around the grounds.

Heliconia is known locally as the Banana Flower
Coconut Palm Trees (Cocos nucifera)
You wouldn’t be in Indonesia if you couldn’t see coconut palm trees and in the Murex Manado gardens there are many! The towering trees are all around the resort and grow up to 30 meters tall. They are characterised by their long and slender trunks which are branchless until the very top where they burst with fringed palm leaves and coconuts. Indonesian cuisine often features coconut milk or cream and drinking the coconut water from the young coconut, known locally as “kelapa muda”, is said to have numerous health benefits. Coconut oil is also well known as an ingredient in hair and skin care products.

Coconut palm trees are found all around Murex Manado Resort
Rambutan Trees (Nephelium lappaceum
Rambutan trees are found along the top of the driveway when leaving the main street to enter Murex Resort. The trees are a medium sized tropical tree which produce the rambutan fruit. Those pictured here are not yet ripe; as they ripen they turn a brilliant red color which means they are ready for eating. The fruit contains small stones and the flesh is similar to that of the more well-known lychee. The name rambutan is derived from the Indonesian word “rambut” which means “hair” – due to their hairy looking outer husks.

Rambutan Fruits are similay to lychee fruits
Red Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
This stunning red hibiscus can be found along the entry road to Murex resort (close to the Rambutan trees). Its large red flower is difficult to miss! It is a species of tropical hibiscus which is native to East Asia. The 5-petaled flowers are 10 cm (4 in) in diameter, with prominent orange-tipped red anthers. The flowers grow on a bushy, evergreen shrub or small tree growing 2.5–5 m (8–16 ft) tall and 1.5–3 m (5–10 ft) wide, with glossy leaves. There are several varieties and hybrids of this species with flower colors ranging from white through yellow and orange to scarlet and shades of pink, with both single and double sets of petals. Hibiscus flowers can be dried and used to make “hibiscus tea” which is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.

Hibiscus flowers can be dried to make hibiscus tea
Flame of the Woods (Ixora coccinea)
The Flame of Woods is a “cluster flower” which is from the Rubiaceae family of plants. The glossy, leathery, oblong leaves are about 4 in (10 cm) long – small tubular, scarlet flowers are produced in dense rounded clusters of around 2-5 in (5–13 cm) across and they are produced almost all year long. The Flame of the Woods takes its name from the vivid red color of its flowers, however there are species varieties and here at Murex Resort we also have a white species which is pictured here. The red Flame of the Woods can be found around the resort and along the driveway from the main road.

The white variety of Flame of the Woods
Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea glabra)
Bougainvillea is a popular vine-like climbing shrub found across Indonesia. Its stunning pink leaves are incredibly thin and so it is often referred to as the “paper flower”. In the center of its bright pink leaves are tiny white flowers (less than 0.5mm in diameter). Bougainvillea is a very robust plant and if left unpruned it will spread very quickly. It also grows wild around our local village of Kalasey and can be seen at the road sides. Be careful when touching this plant as the stems are actually quite spikey!

Bougainvillea shrubs have spikey stems
This is by no means all of the species of flowers, plants and trees that we have here at Murex Manado – there are just too many to list. Next time you are here, why not spend some time after diving to see for yourself and enjoy not only Sulawesi’s best dive sites but also some of the stunning flora of Indonesia.
To book your place in our Murex Manado Resort contact us at
We are looking forward to welcoming you!