10 Resolutions for Scuba Divers
It’s that time of the year again when we all vow to improve ourselves and make resolutions for a fresh start in the new year.
Many of us will be making the same resolutions that we have made year after year; to eat healthier, to drink less and to make more time for family and friends, and the list goes on. Here at Murex, we’ve decided to come up with our own resolutions (some of which you can do from home) specifically to ensure scuba divers have the best possible 2020!

Learn more about corals in an Ocean Gardener Course
1. Learn about Coral
Is your logbook full of the amazing marine life that you’ve seen? Do you know a lot about fish but little about the different types of coral? Learn about coral and you’ll be amazed by how much more you see and understand during your dives. Want to take a coral identification course? Check out our Ocean Gardener Courses HERE
2. Stay Fit for Diving
Being fit for diving doesn’t mean that you need to start running marathons but by maintaining a reasonable level of fitness throughout the year you’ll be ready for any dive trips you have planned. Staying fit ensures you’ll have more comfortable and safer dives – and you’ll start to feel better and look better too.
3. Love your Gear
Has your gear been sitting in a spare room, garage or closet? Take it out and check it over, seeing it again might just be the inspiration you need to start planning your next trip! Get your gear serviced and think about updating, upgrading or investing in items you’ve previously been renting. Look after gear and it will look after you.

Earn your next level of certification
4. Get a New Certification
If you’re starting to feel like your diving skills have reached a plateau, set yourself a challenge to learn something new. Whether you opt for a core course like the PADI Advanced Open Water or Rescue Diver Course or a Specialty such as Nitrox or Deep Diving, you’ll feel a greater sense of accomplishment on your next trip.
5. See Something or Somewhere New
Diving is all about adventure and discovery and while it’s great to return to the same spots, it’s also good to branch out and see something new. In North Sulawesi, our team move around three unique locations and it’s this variety that keeps them fresh and intrigued about what’s underwater. Want to join us on a Passport to Paradise? Check out diving Bunaken->Bangka->Lembeh in one awesome trip here.

Keep exploring – go somewhere different and see something new
6. Edit Your Underwater Images and Video Footage
Are those pictures from your last trip safely stored in a folder on your hard drive or cloud? Don’t let them start gathering cyber-dust, open them up and start editing. Delete anything you don’t want to keep, freshen up your files and remember those awesome dives.
7. Plan Your 2020 Trip
There’s no better way to feel connected to diving from home than by planning your next diving holiday. Having a trip to look forward to will also help you to stay focused on physical fitness, saving and time planning – and it’s exciting!

Join a cleanup and make a pledge to reduce, reuse and recycle
8. Reduce, Reuse, recycle
Make a simple pledge for the environment and stick to it. It’s easy to make unrealistic resolutions to be ‘plastic free’ which, even with the best of intentions, are just not practical to carry out. Focus on one area which you know you can handle, whether it’s to say no to plastic bottles and bags or to up your game with your household recycling. Every action counts and our oceans will thank you for it.
9. Join a Clean Up
We have regular beach and underwater cleanups at both Murex Manado and Murex Bangka and they really do make a difference! Find out about cleanups at our resorts while you are here or at home at your local dive sites and beaches. Invest in a mesh bag to take on dives with you and there’s nothing to stop you from collecting any trash you find on every dive!

Make time to do what you love and stick to it
10. Make Time to Enjoy Doing What You Love – Diving!
It’s easy to lose track of time and become caught up in busy daily schedules. Think about the year ahead and select the months in advance in which you plan to dive. Mark them on your calendar and be determined to make them happen. If you don’t have time or finances for an overseas trip, find out what diving is available in your area. We truly believe there’s not such thing as ‘bad’ diving, it’s just different and you never know how much you’ll enjoy it until you try it!
Are you ready to dive into the new year? Start checking off your resolutions now and get your next dive trip booked! Join us at either of our tropical Indonesian dive resorts, or for a Passport to Paradise, and give yourself something to look forward to in 2020!
For more information about diving, staying and exploring North Sulawesi with us, fill in our online contact form or email us at reservations@MurexDive.com
We look forward to welcoming you to North Sulawesi soon!