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The Murex Manado Resort House Reef is incredibly diverse, extremely productive, and literally just steps from the heart of the resort. When staying at Murex Manado, scuba divers, freedivers, and snorkelers have the luxury of choosing between boat diving trips

  Indonesia has more volcanoes than any other country on the planet due to its unique positioning combined with the vast size of the country. Indonesia is positioned between two continental plates: the Sahul Shelf and the Sunda Plate; and between two

  At Murex Bangka we are passionate about protecting and conserving the natural resources that this beautiful island has to offer. In 2018, as part of our environmental commitment, and in partnership with Ocean Gardener, we have constructed a coral nursery.

  Dive into the Deep, discover, and be amazed! Have you heard of blackwater diving or bonfire diving? Do you know what they are? These are exciting dives that reveal some incredible critters in their larvae stages – many of which are


Dive, Snorkel and Explore More with us in beautiful North Sulawesi.

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