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Frogfish are a highlight of diving here in North Sulawesi and the variety and number of species we have across our reefs is astonishing. Frogfish have a number of unique characteristics, which make them completely different to other marine fishes. What

You would think if you swam around in water all day you’d be clean, so why on earth would a fish need to be cleaned? Seems kind of redundant doesn’t it? Well it’s not like they have soap and shampoo,

Eind oktober was het eindelijk zover, de jaarlijkse duikvakantie van duikvereniging “Q-divers” uit Culemborg, we vertrekken vol verwachting met 10 leden richting Sulawesi. Na een voorspoedig verlopen reis vanuit Amsterdam naar Singapore en daarna door naar Manado, worden we opgehaald door

I take great pride when I look back on a mainly trouble-free diving career spanning some 45 years and more than 10,000 dives. Aside from a couple of minor hits of the bends and a few scary encounters with sharks

The last few weeks we had the pleasure of having a research team from the Catlin Seaview Survey project as our guests, a scientific survey of the reefs of the world, funded by global specialty insurance company Catlin Group Ltd.


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