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  The Spanish Dancer is one of the most famous nudibranchs on the planet, it’s the one that people talk about the most and it’s the one everyone wants to see. How much do you know about Spanish Dancers? Intriguing Facts About

What are we talking about? Pipefish! Did you know that in North Sulawesi we are a “hot spot” for Pipefishes? We have 8 different species of Ghost Pipefish as well as Banded and Stick Pipefish.   But is Ghost Pipefish really Pipefish?

  Here in North Sulawesi, we are exceptionally fortunate to have two species of sea turtle that we see regularly – the green sea turtle and the hawksbill turtle. While we have 5 out of the 7 species of sea turtles

Anemonefish are so often over looked by divers but they are one of the most colorful and characterful fish in the ocean. Anemonefish have incredible symbiotic relationships with their hosts and they have some of the most intriguing behavioural patterns.

Why Choose North Sulawesi for Snorkeling? North Sulawesi is located in the heart of the Coral Triangle, which is the most marine bio-diverse area on the planet. Known as the “Amazon of the Seas”, the Coral Triangle boasts over 500 species

  Anemones are not only beautiful to look at; they also offer protection from predators to numerous marine species. While sea anemones may look delicate, they actually take on the role of a fortress for many anemonefish species and crustaceans. To


Dive, Snorkel and Explore More with us in beautiful North Sulawesi.

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