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Roger Tours’ North Sulawesi Passport to Paradise This week we welcomed back to Murex Manado Roger Winter who is the owner of Roger Tours – a large scale German dive travel agency that organises group and individual dive travel all over

10 Christmas Facts About Christmas in North Sulawesi Indonesia is widely known as being a predominantly Muslim country so have you ever wondered what happens here in North Sulawesi at Christmas time? Do we even celebrate Christmas? 1. Is There "Christmas" in

We are very happy to welcome Olivier Nelis and Miyah as our new Murex Bangka Resort Managers . With their experience and love for diving they will enhance your Murex experience even more. Olivier has worked in the hospitality industry for

Diving in the coral triangle never gets boring. You think you have seen it all but then always something new and exiting pops up. Over the last months I had several conversations with our dive guide Aswar regarding a pipefish he

You would think if you swam around in water all day you’d be clean, so why on earth would a fish need to be cleaned? Seems kind of redundant doesn’t it? Well it’s not like they have soap and shampoo,

Eind oktober was het eindelijk zover, de jaarlijkse duikvakantie van duikvereniging “Q-divers” uit Culemborg, we vertrekken vol verwachting met 10 leden richting Sulawesi. Na een voorspoedig verlopen reis vanuit Amsterdam naar Singapore en daarna door naar Manado, worden we opgehaald door

The walls and reefs in the Bunaken National Park and around Bangka Island are some of the best in the world. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a diver to experience them; snorkelers can admire the beauty of these amazing


Dive, Snorkel and Explore More with us in beautiful North Sulawesi.

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